Checkbox UI element

from ui import Checkbox
contents = [
["Apples", 'apples'],
["Oranges", 'oranges'],
["Bananas", 'bananas']]
selected_fruits = Checkbox(checkbox_contents, i, o).activate()
class ui.checkbox.Checkbox(contents, i, o, name='Menu', entry_height=1, default_state=False, append_exit=True)[source]

Implements a checkbox which can be used to enable or disable some functions in your application.


  • contents: list of checkbox elements which was passed either to Checkbox constructor or to checkbox.set_contents().

    Checkbox element structure is a list, where:
    • element[0] (element’s representation) is either a string, which simply has the element’s value as it’ll be displayed, such as “Menu element 1”, or, in case of entry_height > 1, can be a list of strings, each of which represents a corresponding display row occupied by the element.
    • element[1] (element’s name) is a name returned by the checkbox upon its exit in a dictionary along with its boolean value.
    • element[2] (element’s state) is the default state assumed by the checkbox. If not present, assumed to be default_state.

    If you want to set contents after the initalisation, please, use set_contents() method.

  • _contents: “Working copy” of checkbox contents, basically, a contents attribute which has been processed by self.process_contents.

  • pointer: currently selected menu element’s number in self._contents.

  • in_foreground : a flag which indicates if checkbox is currently displayed. If it’s not active, inhibits any of menu’s actions which can interfere with other menu or UI element being displayed.

  • first_displayed_entry : Internal flag which points to the number of self._contents element which is at the topmost position of the checkbox menu as it’s currently displayed on the screen

  • last_displayed_entry : Internal flag which points to the number of self._contents element which is at the lowest position of the checkbox menu as it’s currently displayed on the screen

__init__(contents, i, o, name='Menu', entry_height=1, default_state=False, append_exit=True)[source]

Initialises the Checkbox object.


  • contents: a list of element descriptions, which can be constructed as described in the Checkbox object’s docstring.
  • i, o: input&output device objects


  • name: Checkbox name which can be used internally and for debugging.
  • entry_height: number of display rows one checkbox element occupies.
  • default_state: default state of the element if not supplied.

A method which is called when checkbox needs to start operating. Is blocking, sets up input&output devices, renders the checkbox and waits until self.in_background is False, while checkbox callbacks are executed from the input device thread.


A debug method. Useful for hooking up to an input event so that you can see the representation of checkbox’s contents.


A debug method. Useful for hooking up to an input event so that you can see which UI element is currently processing input events.


Sets the checkbox contents, as well as additionally re-sets last & first_displayed_entry pointers and calculates the value for last_displayed_entry pointer.