Source code for output.drivers.pfcad

import pifacecad
from time import sleep

[docs]class Screen(): """ A driver for PiFace Control and Display Raspberry Pi shields. It has a simple 16x2 LCD on it, controlled by a MCP23S17 over SPI. Doesn't yet conform to HD44780 library specs, many functions are not transferred from the ``pifacecad`` library. TODO: rewrite it to remove dependency on PiFaceCAD library.""" type = ["char"] #For future compatibility with graphical displays
[docs] def __init__(self, rows=2, cols=16): """Initialises the ``Screen`` object. Kwargs: * ``rows`` (default=2): rows of the connected display * ``cols`` (default=16): columns of the connected display """ self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self.lcd = pifacecad.PiFaceCAD().lcd self.backlight = True self.busy_flag = False
[docs] def enable_backlight(self): """Enables backlight. Doesn't do it instantly, you'll have to wait until data is sent to the display.""" self.backlight = True
[docs] def disable_backlight(self): """Disables backlight.""" self.backlight = False self.lcd.backlight_off()
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the display.""" self.lcd.clear()
[docs] def display_data(self, *args): """Displays data on display. ``*args`` is a list of strings, where each string fills each row of the display, starting with 0.""" while self.busy_flag: sleep(0.01) self.busy_flag = False self.lcd.blink_off() self.lcd.cursor_off() if self.backlight: self.lcd.backlight_on() self.lcd.clear() for arg in args: arg = arg[:self.cols].ljust(self.cols) self.lcd.write('\n'.join(args)) self.busy_flag = False
if __name__ == "__main__": screen = Screen() line = "0123456789012345" if True: screen.display_data(line, line[::-1]) sleep(1) screen.disable_backlight() screen.display_data(line[::-1], line) sleep(1) screen.clear()