Source code for ui.refresher

from time import sleep
from copy import copy
import logging

from threading import Event


def to_be_foreground(func): #A safety check wrapper so that certain functions don't get called if refresher is not the one active
    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.in_foreground:
            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
            print(func.__name__+" misbehaves")
    return wrapper

[docs]class Refresher(): """Implements a state where display is refreshed from time to time, updating the screen with information from a function. """ refresh_function = None refresh_interval = 0 display_callback = None in_foreground = False name = "" keymap = None
[docs] def __init__(self, refresh_function, i, o, refresh_interval=1, keymap=None, name="Refresher"): """Initialises the Refresher object. Args: * ``refresh_function``: a function which returns data to be displayed on the screen upon being called, in the format accepted by ``screen.display_data()`` * ``i``, ``o``: input&output device objects Kwargs: * ``refresh_interval``: Time between display refreshes (and, accordingly, ``refresh_function`` calls) * ``keymap``: Keymap entries you want to set while Refresher is active * ``name``: Refresher name which can be used internally and for debugging. """ self.i = i self.o = o = name self.refresh_interval = refresh_interval self.refresh_function = refresh_function self.set_keymap(keymap if keymap else {}) self.in_background = Event()
def to_foreground(self): """ Is called when refresher's ``activate()`` method is used, sets flags and performs all the actions so that refresher can display its contents and receive keypresses.""""refresher {0} in foreground".format( self.in_background.set() self.in_foreground = True self.refresh() self.activate_keymap() def to_background(self): """ Signals ``activate`` to finish executing """ self.in_foreground = False"refresher {0} in background".format(
[docs] def activate(self): """ A method which is called when refresher needs to start operating. Is blocking, sets up input&output devices, renders the refresher, periodically calls the refresh function&refreshes the screen while self.in_foreground is True, while refresher callbacks are executed from the input device thread.""""refresher {0} activated".format( self.to_foreground() counter = 0 divisor = 2.0 sleep_time = self.refresh_interval/divisor while self.in_background.isSet(): if self.in_foreground: if counter == divisor: counter = 0 if counter == 0: self.refresh() counter += 1 sleep(sleep_time) logging.debug(" exited") return True
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ Deactivates the refresher completely, exiting it.""" self.in_foreground = False self.in_background.clear()"refresher {0} deactivated".format(
[docs] def print_name(self): """ A debug method. Useful for hooking up to an input event so that you can see which refresher is currently active. """"Active refresher is {0}".format(
def process_callback(self, func): """ Decorates a function to be used by Refresher element. |Is typically used as a wrapper for a callback from input event processing thread. |After callback's execution is finished, sets the keymap again and refreshes the refresher.""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self.to_background() func(*args, **kwargs) logging.debug("Executed wrapped function: {}".format(func.__name__)) if self.in_background.isSet(): self.to_foreground() wrapper.__name__ == func.__name__ return wrapper def process_keymap(self, keymap): """Sets the keymap. In future, will allow per-system keycode-to-callback tweaking using a config file. """ logging.debug("{}: processing keymap - {}".format(, keymap)) for key in keymap: callback = self.process_callback(keymap[key]) keymap[key] = callback if not "KEY_LEFT" in keymap: keymap["KEY_LEFT"] = self.deactivate #if not "KEY_RIGHT" in keymap and: # keymap["KEY_RIGHT"] = self.print_name return keymap def set_keymap(self, keymap): """Generate and sets the input device's keycode-to-callback mapping. Re-starts the input device because of passing-variables-between-threads issues.""" self.keymap = self.process_keymap(keymap) @to_be_foreground def activate_keymap(self): self.i.stop_listen() self.i.clear_keymap() self.i.keymap = self.keymap self.i.listen() @to_be_foreground def refresh(self): logging.debug("{0}: refreshed data on display".format( self.o.display_data(*self.refresh_function())