PiFaceCAD input driver

This driver works with PiFace Control and Display Raspberry Pi shields.

Sample config.json section:



Generally, you won’t need to edit config.json if you’re using this shield because it’ll be done automatically by config.sh.

class input.drivers.pfcad.InputDevice[source]

A driver for PiFace Control and Display Raspberry Pi shields. It has 5 buttons, one single-axis joystick with a pushbutton, a 16x2 HD44780 screen and an IR receiver (not used yet).


Initialises the InputDevice object and starts pifacecad.SwitchEventListener. Also, registers callbacks to press_key method.


Starts a thread with start function as target.


Starts a thread with start function as target.


Polling loop. Stops when stop_flag is set to True.


Checks data received from IO expander and classifies changes as either “button up” or “button down” events. On “button up”, calls send_key with the corresponding button name from self.mapping.


A hook to be overridden by InputListener. Otherwise, prints out key names as soon as they’re pressed so is useful for debugging.


Starts listening on the input device. Initialises the IO expander and runs either interrupt-driven or polling loop.


Sets the stop_flag for loop function.